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Showing posts with the label InvestingWithATraditionalIRA

Roth vs Traditional IRA? Why I'll NEVER Use A Roth IRA!

Trying to decide between a Roth IRA and a Traditional IRA? Here's my break down of my I'll never invest with a ROTH IRA. Let's keep more money in your pocket right now! Free Stocks WeBull (sign up and get free stocks!): Free Stock Robinhood: Health Savings Account: Sell Your House Tax Free: Refinance 2021: The debate around a Roth IRA and a Traditional IRA is a long standing battle. With a traditional IRA you get to contribute pre-tax but then when you withdraw you are taxed on it. With a Roth IRA it is exactly the opposite, you contribute post-tax but your money grows tax free . Your withdrawals are taken out tax free. Some people argue that a ROTH IRA is the best way to invest as if you are building wealth and investments then you may be in a higher tax bracket when you retire. IF you are in a higher tax bracket when you retire and can pull investments out tax free you avoid the higher taxes. I under the argument, but I still believe investing with...