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Showing posts with the label InvestmentinMutualFunds

Pension and Retirement Savings Funds Offered by Pakistani Banks

Pension and Retirement Savings Funds are now offered by most of the mutual fund providers operating in Pakistan. These are all mostly the Commercial Banks of Pakistan and/or their subsidiaries. In this video i have explained and reviewed all of them, compared them against each other and together we saw what they all offer. Most importantly what options of Pension Funds and retirement savings funds are available in Pakistan, what they offer and how they compare and stand against each other. This is very comprehensive information about the pension funds and the options available. Also details about how they work in full detail. But a very short summery goes like as follows. While you are young and able to work or working right now, as a business owner or a salaried person. You start a pension fund account with any of available providers, than you keep putting in small amount of money after each month, three months, semi-annually or even annually, than this money keeps earning...