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Showing posts with the label IrrevocableIRATrust

Is The IRA Beneficiary Designation of an Irrevocable Trust REALLY Irrevocable?

Build your estate plan online! MyAdvocate is the online solution for creating and maintaining your Will and all other legally-valid estate planning documents. Click the link below to get started! -- For many, their Traditional Individual retirement account (IRA) represents their largest financial asset. Most retirees name adult individuals as their beneficiaries. Yet some IRA owners want to name a trust as a beneficiary of their IRA. Naming a trust as an IRA beneficiary can have adverse income tax consequences. However, if the trust qualifies as a "see-through trust", then after the iRA owner's death, you can through the trust to the underlying trust beneficiaries, and the required minimum distribution rules will apply as if those trust beneficiaries were designated as beneficiaries. One of the four requirements to get the favorable see-through trust tax treatment is that the trust be irrevocable. But just because you name an irrevocable trust as a benefic...