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Showing posts with the label LifeSaving

Transforming Your Finances: Bestowing a Conversion as a Delightful Legacy for Your Loved Ones

When considering which assets to leave your beneficiaries, there's one asset that's loaded with taxes: IRAs. Inheriting an IRA is very different from inheriting a Roth IRA. In fact, without proper planning, as Peter Richon with Richon Planning explains to Erin Kennedy, the #irs may end up being your largest beneficiary! Distributions from an inherited Roth account are both tax and penalty free, which means you won't saddle your heirs with a heavy tax burden during their prime earning years. If you have any questions about your financial legacy, or if you'd like to learn more about strategic tax planning to ensure your family receives the most tax-efficient gift possible, please feel free to reach out to Peter by calling (919) 300-5886 or by visiting #taxplanning #wealthmanagement #rothira 💰💰💰 Financial confidence through educated planning💰💰💰 Be SMART with your money with Peter R...