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Showing posts with the label LonardoandJacovinoLasVegas

No Prenuptial Agreement? If I retired before marriage and did not sign a prenuptial agreement, is my wife eligible for my retirement benefits and spousal support?

Is My Wife Entitled To My Retirement and Spousal Support, If I Retired Before Marriage And We Have Been Separated Most Of Our Marriage? Nothing is more important than your family. LJ Law is a Family Law Firm in Las Vegas, Nevada. We offer help in cases such as Divorce, Child Custody and Visitation, Child Support, Pre and Post-Nuptial Agreements, Annulments, Alimony, Adoption, Guardianship, Paternity and much more. Learn More at our Website: Want to Discuss Further? Let’s Set Up a Meeting: Contact Us: Email: Call: (702) 998-1188 DISCLAIMER: THE INFORMATION SHARED IN THIS CONTENT IS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT, NOR IS IT INTENDED TO BE, LEGAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY FOR ADVICE REGARDING THE SPECIFIC FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES OF YOUR INDIVIDUAL SITUATION. REVIEWING THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE AND/OR CONTACTING US DOES NOT CREATE AN ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP. P...