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Showing posts with the label MAGI

Understanding Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI): A Comprehensive Overview

Explanation of MAGI, or Modified Adjusted Gross Income. There are various definitions of MAGI used throughout the U.S. tax code. This video discusses the six you're most likely to come across in retirement planning : 👉 MAGI for deductibility of traditional IRA contributions 👉 MAGI for eligibility of making Roth IRA contributions 👉 MAGI for Medicare premium surcharges known as IRMAA 👉 MAGI for ACA premium tax credit eligibility 👉 MAGI for the Net Investment Income Tax, or NIIT 👉 Provisional Income (not really a MAGI...) for determining how much of your Social Security benefits may be federally taxable Links in this video: retirement planning Insights - Taxes in Retirement - ​ #MAGI #ModifiedAdjustedGrossIncome #TaxPlanning DISCLAIMER: This video is only helpful hints and education. It is not specific tax, legal or investment advice. Before considering acting on anything you see in this video, f...

The Stock Market is Not Performing Well This Year - Perfect Timing for a Backdoor IRA

ä»Šå¹“č‚”åø‚äøå„½,ę­£é€‚åˆåšbackdoor IRA ******************************************************************************************* 大家儽!ę¬¢čæŽé€ščæ‡å¦‚äø‹é“¾ęŽ„加兄会员“č°ˆé’±ä¹Ÿč°ˆęƒ…”(Money & Life):会员ē¦åˆ©åŒ…ę‹¬ä¼šå‘˜äø“å±žč§†é¢‘、é¢‘é“ę›“ę–°ē­‰ē­‰。č°¢č°¢å¤§å®¶ēš„ę”ÆęŒå’Œé¼“åŠ±! å¦‚ęžœę‚Øęƒ³“å’Œęˆ‘äø€čµ·ę„č°ˆé’±”,ę¬¢čæŽå†™ē”µé‚®åˆ° ę„äæ”čÆ·åœØę ‡é¢˜ę³Ø꘎“č®æ谈”。ę­£ę–‡å†…å®¹čÆ·å¤§č‡“ä»‹ē»ę‚ØåœØå“Ŗę–¹é¢ęœ‰åæƒå¾—体会/ē»éŖŒę•™č®­/ꊕ资ęœŗ会/ē†č“¢åŽ†ē؋,ęˆ–å…¶å®ƒäø€åˆ‡č·Ÿé’±ęœ‰å…³ē³»ēš„ęœ‰č¶£ęœ‰ę–™ēš„čƝ题。嘉宾äøé™ēŗ½ēŗ¦,ęˆ‘ä»¬åÆ仄čæœē؋face-time/ē”µčÆä¼šč®®ē­‰ē­‰。č°¢č°¢! å¦‚ęžœę‚Øęƒ³åø®ęˆ‘ęŠŠé¢‘é“åšēš„ꛓ儽,ę¬¢čæŽē‚¹å‡»å¦‚äø‹é“¾ęŽ„ę‰“čµ/One time Donation - Thank you! Get free stock(s) from Webull (zero commission on stock and option trading; IRA accounts and more) by opening an account and depositing any amount today. Account opening Link: ē¾Žč‚”åˆø商微ē‰›:åœØäø­å›½ä¹ŸåÆ仄äŗ¤ę˜“ē¾Žč‚”!除äø­å›½、ē¾Žå›½ē”Øęˆ·ä¹‹å¤–,čæ˜ę”ÆęŒé©¬ę„č„æäŗš、č²å¾‹å®¾、印åŗ¦ēš„ē”Øꈷ。å¼€ęˆ·å¹¶å…„é‡‘ (ę— ä½£é‡‘č‚”ē„Ø、ꜟꝃäŗ¤ę˜“;IRA蓦ꈷ;äø­č‹±ę–‡ē•Œé¢) å°±åÆčŽ·å…č“¹č‚”ē„Ø(仅限ē¾Žå›½ē”Øꈷ)。äøē®”ä½ ē”Øäøē”Ø,åÆ仄先ę‹æäŗ†å…č“¹č‚”ē„Ø再čÆ“!å¼€ęˆ·é“¾ęŽ„: ęŽØčä¹¦ē›®ęø…单/Reading List ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERT IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERT IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA This Year's Stock Market Woes Make It a Perfect Time for Backdoor IRA As the year prog...

ē¬¬225ꜟ:Roth IRAęå–čµ„é‡‘éœ€ē­‰å¾…5幓吗?如何处ē†é€ščæ‡backdoorč½¬å…„ēš„资金?č§£é¢˜ęŒ‘ęˆ˜,ē­”åƹčÆ·äø¾ę‰‹(äø‹)

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315th Edition: Mega Backdoor IRA Strategy - Depositing $66,000 per Year into Your 401K. If You Haven't Tried It, Now's the Time to Learn How! Who Can Participate? What Are the Restrictions?

Mega Backdoor IRAę„å•¦!什么ę˜ÆMega Backdoor,ę€Žä¹ˆčæä½œ?ęœ‰ä»€ä¹ˆé™åˆ¶?å’Œę™®é€šBackdoorę“ä½œęœ‰ä»€ä¹ˆåŒŗ别? 关äŗŽBackdoor IRA ēš„ē›øå…³č§†é¢‘: ***************************************************************************************************** 大家儽!ę¬¢čæŽé€ščæ‡å¦‚äø‹é“¾ęŽ„加兄会员“č°ˆé’±ä¹Ÿč°ˆęƒ…”(Money & Life):会员ē¦åˆ©åŒ…ę‹¬ä¼šå‘˜äø“å±žč§†é¢‘、é¢‘é“ę›“ę–°ē­‰ē­‰。č°¢č°¢å¤§å®¶ēš„ę”ÆęŒå’Œé¼“åŠ±! å¦‚ęžœę‚Øęƒ³“å’Œęˆ‘äø€čµ·ę„č°ˆé’±”,ę¬¢čæŽå†™ē”µé‚®åˆ° ę„äæ”čÆ·åœØę ‡é¢˜ę³Ø꘎“č®æ谈”。ę­£ę–‡å†…å®¹čÆ·å¤§č‡“ä»‹ē»ę‚ØåœØå“Ŗę–¹é¢ęœ‰åæƒå¾—体会/ē»éŖŒę•™č®­/ꊕ资ęœŗ会/ē†č“¢åŽ†ē؋,ęˆ–å…¶å®ƒäø€åˆ‡č·Ÿé’±ęœ‰å…³ē³»ēš„ęœ‰č¶£ęœ‰ę–™ēš„čƝ题。嘉宾äøé™ēŗ½ēŗ¦,ęˆ‘ä»¬åÆ仄čæœē؋face-time/ē”µčÆä¼šč®®ē­‰ē­‰。č°¢č°¢! å¦‚ęžœę‚Øęƒ³åø®ęˆ‘ęŠŠé¢‘é“åšēš„ꛓ儽,ę¬¢čæŽē‚¹å‡»å¦‚äø‹é“¾ęŽ„ę‰“čµ/One time Donation - Thank you! ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERT IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERT IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA The 315th issue of the magazine is all about the Mega Backdoor IRA. For those who haven't heard of it, this strategy allows individuals to contribute up to $66,000 a year into their 401k plan . If you haven't used this technique before, keep reading. First of all, who can use this strategy? Anyone who has a 401k plan that a...

Do Roth conversions affect my ability to make Roth IRA contributions?

Explanation of how Roth conversions impact your income and whether they affect your eligibility to make Roth IRA contributions To see the formula for calculating the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (for the 2021 tax year), look at page 39 of IRS Publication 590-A - To listen to my podcast, " retirement planning Education" - To join my Facebook group, "Taxes in Retirement" - To subscribe to my newsletter, " retirement planning Insights" - #RothConversions #RothIRA #MAGI DISCLAIMER: This video is only helpful hints and education. It is not specific tax, legal or investment advice. Before considering acting on anything you see in this video, first consult with your tax, legal or investment advisor. While the information expressed in this video is believed to be accurate, neither Andy Panko, CFP®, RICP®, EA nor Tenon Financial LLC make any guarantees to its accuracy.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA ...

Can I still make an IRA or Roth IRA contribution for 2022?

Explanation of the the deadline for making 2022 IRA or Roth IRA contributions. Spoiler alert: it's April 18, 2023 IRS summary of Modified Adjusted Gross Income limits for deducting 2022 traditional IRA contributions - To listen to the retirement planning Education podcast, join the retirement planning Education Facebook group or download lots of free retirement planning Education material - #IRA #RothIRA #Investing DISCLAIMER: This video is only helpful hints and education. It is not specific tax, legal or investment advice. Before considering acting on anything you see in this video, first consult with your tax, legal or investment advisor. While the information expressed in this video is believed to be accurate, neither Andy Panko, CFP®, RICP®, EA nor Andy Panko EMC LLC make any representations to its accuracy.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts INVESTING IN A GOLD IRA: Gold IRA Account INVESTING IN A SILVER IRA: Silver IRA Account ...

ē¬¬238ꜟ: ꊄēØŽå­£ę„äø“,如何ē”Ø TurboTax 处ē† Backdoor IRA

ꊄēØŽå­£ę„äø“,如何ē”Ø TurboTax 处ē† Backdoor IRA ęŸ„ēœ‹å„å·ž2020å¹“ęŠ„ē؎ęˆŖę­¢ę—„ęœŸ: ***************************************************************************************************** 大家儽!ę¬¢čæŽé€ščæ‡å¦‚äø‹é“¾ęŽ„加兄会员“č°ˆé’±ä¹Ÿč°ˆęƒ…”(Money & Life):会员ē¦åˆ©åŒ…ę‹¬ä¼šå‘˜äø“å±žč§†é¢‘、é¢‘é“ę›“ę–°ē­‰ē­‰。č°¢č°¢å¤§å®¶ēš„ę”ÆęŒå’Œé¼“åŠ±! å¦‚ęžœę‚Øęƒ³“å’Œęˆ‘äø€čµ·ę„č°ˆé’±”,ę¬¢čæŽå†™ē”µé‚®åˆ° ę„äæ”čÆ·åœØę ‡é¢˜ę³Ø꘎“č®æ谈”。ę­£ę–‡å†…å®¹čÆ·å¤§č‡“ä»‹ē»ę‚ØåœØå“Ŗę–¹é¢ęœ‰åæƒå¾—体会/ē»éŖŒę•™č®­/ꊕ资ęœŗ会/ē†č“¢åŽ†ē؋,ęˆ–å…¶å®ƒäø€åˆ‡č·Ÿé’±ęœ‰å…³ē³»ēš„ęœ‰č¶£ęœ‰ę–™ēš„čƝ题。嘉宾äøé™ēŗ½ēŗ¦,ęˆ‘ä»¬åÆ仄čæœē؋face-time/ē”µčÆä¼šč®®ē­‰ē­‰。č°¢č°¢! å¦‚ęžœę‚Øęƒ³åø®ęˆ‘ęŠŠé¢‘é“åšēš„ꛓ儽,ę¬¢čæŽē‚¹å‡»å¦‚äø‹é“¾ęŽ„ę‰“čµ/One time Donation - Thank you! Get free stock(s) from Webull (zero commission on stock and option trading; IRA accounts and more) by opening an account and depositing any amount today. Account opening Link: ē¾Žč‚”åˆø商微ē‰›:åœØäø­å›½ä¹ŸåÆ仄äŗ¤ę˜“ē¾Žč‚”!除äø­å›½、ē¾Žå›½ē”Øęˆ·ä¹‹å¤–,čæ˜ę”ÆęŒé©¬ę„č„æäŗš、č²å¾‹å®¾、印åŗ¦ēš„ē”Øꈷ。å¼€ęˆ·å¹¶å…„é‡‘ (ę— ä½£é‡‘č‚”ē„Ø、ꜟꝃäŗ¤ę˜“;IRA蓦ꈷ;äø­č‹±ę–‡ē•Œé¢) å°±åÆčŽ·å…č“¹č‚”ē„Ø(仅限ē¾Žå›½ē”Øꈷ)。äøē®”ä½ ē”Øäøē”Ø,åÆ仄先ę‹æäŗ†å…č“¹č‚”ē„Ø再čÆ“!å¼€ęˆ·é“¾ęŽ„: ęŽØčä¹¦ē›®ęø…单/Reading List ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERT IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERT IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA