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Milton Friedman's Views on Inflation and Money Supply

This clip was taken from the "How to Cure Inflation" episode of the original Free To Choose TV series. Inflation results when the amount of money printed or coined increases faster than the creation of new goods and services. Money is a "token" of the wealth of a nation. If more tokens are created than new wealth, it takes more tokens to buy the same goods. Friedman explains why politicians like inflation, and why wage and price controls are not solutions to the problem. Friedman visits Japan, U.S. and Britain. To learn more or purchase the entire series, visit Check out our Facebook page here: Visit our media website to find other programs here: Connect with us on Twitter here: Learn more about our company here: Shop for related products here: Stream from FreeToChoose.TV here: ... ( read more ) LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing ...