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Showing posts with the label MarketRisk

Retirement Success Assured with Annuities

The biggest challenge to a successful retirement is living too long and running out of money – regardless of how much one has. Fixed Annuities (non-variable), when properly structured, provide two elements that safeguard retirements – lifetime income guarantees and safe growth without the risk of investment loss to principal. One of the greatest determining factors in whether or not a retiree will have enough money through retirement are the unpredictable… Disclosure: Videos are educational and conceptual only and not a solicitation. They are not to be considered investment, insurance, tax or legal advice. It is recommended that you work with licensed professionals for individualized advice before making any important financial decisions. Annuities are not FDIC insured and their guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company. State Guarantee Associations, while offering specific protections, are not the same as FDIC insurance. Read more ...

Improving Risk Management in Banks: Training for Growth, Enhanced Risk Culture, and Corporate Governance

Liquidity and market risk are commonly under estimated, given the current market conditions, it is a good idea to assess your asset exposure, capitalization Index, insured and uninsured deposits proportion, and so much more. Risk managers, this is your time to shine bright like a diamond 🔷 Conoce mĆ”s sobre nuestro Programa de Mejora Continua e ImplementaciĆ³n de Modelos de GestiĆ³n de Riesgos. 🔥Contacto: 👍🏼 Video completo en nuestro canal de Youtube 👉🏽Siguenos en nuestras redes sociales LinkedIn @Training2Grow. Twitter @Training2Grow Facebook @Training2GrowGRC Instagram @training2growgrc YouTube ‎@Training2Grow Servicios #Training2Grow #riskmanagement #riskassessment #corporategovernance #riskculture #SillyconValleyBank #creditsuisse #bankfailure #liquidity #marketrisk #gestionderiesgos #GobiernoCorporativo #culturaderiesgos #liquidez #riesgodemercado #consultoria #...

Is There Hope for TIPS Bond ETF?

#daytrading #swingtrading #spy #sp500 If you appreciate my content, please consider to like, comment and subscribe to my channel. Use Code "Zachly" for a discount. Link to join the Option Trading Tycoons Discord--- Link for free share from robinhood Link for up to $25 worth of stock or crypto free on SOFI ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes ONLY. This video is NOT financial advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker and does NOT come from a licensed professional. ⚠️ Use Code "Zachly" for a discount. Link to join the Option Trading Tycoons Discord--- Link for free share from robinhood Link for up to $25 worth of stock or crypto free on SOFI market sentiment,stock market sentiment analysis,stock market sentiment,stock market,defensive stock market,value investing,growth vs value,value investing vs growth investing,growth investing,dividend growth investing,growth investing ...