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Showing posts with the label MaximizeYourEmployerBenefitsNoCap

Guest Kate Horrell shares her insights on optimizing your employer benefits, with no limits

VirtForce supports milspouses in the full spectrum of work, from remote gig-based and project-based work all the way to on-site hourly and salary work. That’s why we are kicking off a series where military spouses can understand what their retirement savings plan options are no matter where they fall on the work spectrum. In Part 1 of this series, we have accredited financial advisor, Kate Horrell, revealing the secrets to maximizing your company’s retirement savings plan as a W-2 employee. 🤑 Don't let these money-makers slip through your fingers; hit that play button now and start building a secure financial future. 💰 00:00 🚀 Intro 01:00 💼 Meet Accredited Financial Advisor Kate Horrell 01:34 💯 VirtForce Supports Milspouses in the Full Spectrum of Work 02:08 💰 Retirement Savings Plan Options for W-2 Employees 02:37 🤑 Defined Contribution Plans - 401k, 403b, and 457s 03:14 &#x1f...