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Showing posts with the label NewPensionScheme

"Panel Formed by Government to Revamp NPS Pension System" | GS-3 | UPSC

UPSC IAS LIVE Prelims to Interview (P2I) 2024 Batch - join now : Batch Starting on 25th march 2023 | Daily Live Classes at 6:00 PM Hurry Enrol Now : UPSC IAS (Pre + Mains) LIVE Foundation 2024 Batch 5 Batch Started on 9th March 2023 | Daily Live Classes at 8:00 AM Hurry Enrol Now : UPSC IAS (Pre + Mains) LIVE Long Term Foundation 2025 Batch 1 Batch Started on 6th March 2023 | Daily Live Classes at 6:00 PM Hurry Enrol Now : UPSC IAS (Pre + Mains) LIVE Foundation 2024 Hindi Batch 3 Batch Starting on 3rd April 2023 | Batch Timing 6:00 PM Hurry Enrol Now: UPSC EPFO (EO+ APFC) Recruitment Test LIVE Batch 3 Batch Starting on 31st March 2023 | Daily Live Classes at 3:00 PM Hurry Enrol Now : Join our flagship ‘UPSC IAS Live SIP+ 2023 March Batch to prepare for UPSC prelims 2023 exam. Batch Started on 9th March 2023 | Class Timing - 3:00 PM Hurry Enrol Now : Join our Most Requested NCERT LIVE Batch to start your UPSC Journey. Batch Starting on 30th March 2023 |Class ...

Strike by Old Pension Scheme: 1.9 Million Government Employees Affected in the State | Marathi News

19 lakh government and semi-government employees in the state will go on indefinite strike from today. As the meeting held with Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Monday failed, the employees are adamant on the strike. This includes Govt Semi Govt Teachers Non-Teachers Employees. Government employees have become aggressive to demand old pension. The employees have demanded that the old pension scheme should be implemented. However, the state government refused to implement this scheme. ą¤°ाą¤œ्ą¤Æाą¤¤ą¤²ीą¤² 19 ą¤²ाą¤– ą¤øą¤°ą¤•ाą¤°ी ą¤†ą¤£ि ą¤Øिą¤®ą¤øą¤°ą¤•ाą¤°ी ą¤•ą¤°्ą¤®ą¤šाą¤°ी ą¤†ą¤œą¤Ŗाą¤øूą¤Ø ą¤¬ेą¤®ुą¤¦ą¤¤ ą¤øंą¤Ŗाą¤µą¤° ą¤œाą¤£ाą¤° ą¤†ą¤¹ेą¤¤. ą¤øोą¤®ą¤µाą¤°ी ą¤®ुą¤–्ą¤Æą¤®ंą¤¤्ą¤°ी ą¤ą¤•ą¤Øाą¤„ ą¤¶िंą¤¦े, ą¤‰ą¤Ŗą¤®ुą¤–्ą¤Æą¤®ंą¤¤्ą¤°ी ą¤¦ेą¤µेंą¤¦्ą¤° ą¤«ą¤”ą¤£ą¤µीą¤ø ą¤Æांą¤š्ą¤Æाą¤øोą¤¬ą¤¤ ą¤ाą¤²ेą¤²ी ą¤¬ैą¤ ą¤• ą¤Øिą¤·्ą¤«ą¤³ ą¤ ą¤°ą¤²्ą¤Æाą¤Øे ą¤•ą¤°्ą¤®ą¤šाą¤°ी ą¤øंą¤Ŗाą¤µą¤° ą¤ ाą¤® ą¤†ą¤¹ेą¤¤. ą¤Æाą¤®ą¤§्ą¤Æे ą¤øą¤°ą¤•ाą¤°ी ą¤Øिą¤® ą¤øą¤°ą¤•ाą¤°ी ą¤¶िą¤•्ą¤·ą¤• ą¤¶िą¤•्ą¤·ą¤•ेą¤¤ą¤° ą¤•ą¤°्ą¤®ą¤šाą¤±्ą¤Æांą¤šा ą¤øą¤®ाą¤µेą¤¶ ą¤†ą¤¹े. ą¤œुą¤Ø्ą¤Æा ą¤Ŗेą¤Ø्ą¤¶ą¤Øą¤š्ą¤Æा ą¤®ाą¤—ą¤£ीą¤øाą¤ ी ą¤øą¤°ą¤•ाą¤°ी ą¤•ą¤°्ą¤®ą¤šाą¤°ी ą¤†ą¤•्ą¤°ą¤®ą¤• ą¤ाą¤²े ą¤†ą¤¹े. ą¤œुą¤Øी ą¤Ŗेą¤Ø्ą¤¶ą¤Ø ą¤Æोą¤œą¤Øा ą¤²ाą¤—ू ą¤•ą¤°ाą¤µी ą¤…ą¤¶ी ą¤®ाą¤—ą¤£ी ą¤•ą¤°्ą¤®ą¤šाą¤±्ą¤Æांą¤Øी ą¤²ाą¤µूą¤Ø ą¤§ą¤°ą¤²ी ą¤†ą¤¹े. ą¤®ाą¤¤्ą¤°, ą¤°ाą¤œ्ą¤Æ ą¤øą¤°ą¤•ाą¤°ą¤Øे ą¤¹ी ą¤Æोą¤œą¤Øा ą¤²ाą¤—ू ą¤•ą¤°ą¤£्ą¤Æाą¤ø ą¤Øą¤•ाą¤° ą¤¦ि...

🔴Is (NPS) National Pension System BEST retirement plan? Full details in Hindi

COURSES: ..................................................... DEMAT ACCOUNT: ..................................................... QuickPayroll: ..................................................... National Pension Scheme or NPS is a voluntary long-term investment plan in India. It is supposed to help individuals after their retirement. A major benefit is that it is exempt from all taxes. This video takes you through all the important aspects, pros, and cons of the National Pension Scheme. ..................................................... Chapters: 01:10 What is National Pension Scheme (NPS)? 01:49 Who should invest? 02:05 How is NPS different from PPF/EPF? 02:43 Minimum investment 03:08 Who manages your money? 03:35 Where is the money invested? 04:18 Asset allocation 06:55 Maturity withdrawal 08:10 Premature withdrawal 09:08 Premature exit 10:55 Tax benefits 13:05 Types of NPS accounts 14:00 How to open an NPS account? .................................................

National Pension Scheme | NPS Amount can be withdrawn even before Retirement | Emergency Fund in NPS

National Pension Scheme | NPS Amount can be withdrawn even before Retirement | Emergency Fund in NPS : Start Here ➜ Call/WhatsApp -- +91-7766912408 NPS : NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM NPS : ą¤Øेą¤¶ą¤Øą¤² ą¤Ŗेंą¤¶ą¤Ø ą¤øिą¤ø्ą¤Ÿą¤® ą¤øे ą¤°िą¤Ÿाą¤Æą¤°ą¤®ेंą¤Ÿ ą¤Ŗ्ą¤²ाą¤Øिंą¤— ą¤•ą¤°ें ? National Pension Pension System Pension Scheme NPS National Pension System National Pension Scheme retirement plan Retirement Scheme Retirement System Indian Retirement Retirement NPS scheme is meant for old age protection and social security of retail traders/ shopkeepers and self-employed persons whose annual turnover is not exceeding Rs. 1.5 crore. National Pension Scheme or NPS is a voluntary long-term investment plan in India. It is supposed to help individuals after their retirement. eNPS website : National Pension Scheme (NPS), a government-sponsored pension scheme, was launched in January 2004 for government employees. It was opened to all sections in 2009. NPS provides Tier 1 Account for Pension Plan and Tier 2 Account for Inve...