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Navigating the North-South Disproportion for Ensuring Food Security in KGD 2023

Kigali Global Dialogue 2023 | Sustenance Interrupted: Embargoes, Conflict, and The Struggle for Food | The COVID-19 pandemic, conflict in Europe, rising trade tensions, and an increasingly inward-looking global discourse, have all disrupted the movement of critical commodities, particularly food. Rising food prices and the potential for Food Insecurity are real dangers confronting developing nations. What are the new shocks, internal and external, that confront emerging and developing economies? How can countries adapt to this changing global landscape and diversify dependencies? What are the multilateral avenues available that can help de-politicise global fertiliser supply chains? How can we popularise grains and produce such as Millets, which have both nutritional and environmental benefits? Under the ambit of Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE) and CBDR, is it time to introduce food waste as well, to hold nations and communities that are the worst offenders accountable? S...