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Showing posts with the label PasadenaRealEstate

✨ ✨ Inflation was announced at 9.1% today! (7/13/2022) That’s a 40-year high and a 1.3% increase from last month. Home appreciation is predicted to be around 9.3% for 2022. Real estate is a great hedge against inflation. How do you plan to protect against inflationary times? & ! on Instagram 👉🏼 @joan.lamond 👈🏼 for #realestatetips & #homedecorinspiration .. 📈: @personalfinanceclub 📊: @keepingcurrentmatters #homebuyertips #homebuyer #firsttimehomebuyer #homebuyerprocess #millennialhomebuyer #howtobuyahome #joanlamond #pasadenaca #JoanLamond #pasadenarealtor #pasadenahomesforsale #pasadenarealestateagent #homebuyers... ( read more ) HOW TO: Hedge Against Inflation REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing