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Showing posts with the label Premiumfinancing

Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan 2022 |

🔥🔥🔥 74% of your retirement income is determined by how much you invest, NOT the interest rate you earn! You used leverage to buy your house and care, learn how to leverage your retirement. The Kai-Zen Executive Benefit Plan uses financing to match the contributions made by the employer or executive to maximize executive benefits. What Is A Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan? Due to limitations, traditional retirement plans are typically insufficient for high-income earners. If you want to maintain your lifestyle in retirement, you need a proactive strategy that puts more money toward protecting your future income without putting a drain on your current finances. Kaizen is uniquely designed to combine the advantage of leverage with the cash accumulation features of life insurance. Enhancing the potential to supplement your income, while providing more protection for you and your family. Kaizen is a strategy that helps you ...