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Showing posts with the label Protectchildrensinheritanceifspouseremarries

What If Your Spouse Remarries After You Pass?

Build your estate plan online! MyAdvocate is the online solution for creating and maintaining your Will and all other legally-valid estate planning documents. Click the link below to get started! -- This post is for married people who are, at least, a little bit worried that if they leave their estate to their surviving spouse, the estate assets just might wind up in the hands of the surviving spouse's next spouse. Here's an example: Let's say a Husband is considering leaving his $3 million estate to his Wife. But he worries that his Wife might, after he dies, remarry and leave the estate to the next husband. This would, potentially, completely cut out Husband's children that Husband and Wife had and raised together. One option for Husband is to leave his $3 million estate to a trust for the benefit of his wife, and subsequently when Wife dies, to their children. Important decisions are made when Husband sets this up, such as who will be the income benef...