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Showing posts with the label PublicInformationServices

On April 3, 2023: A Legislative Committee for Pensions and Retirement

00:43 - Final action on the 2023 Omnibus pension budget bill: Adoption of HF3100 (Her); SF3162 (Frentz), as amended, as the 2023 Omnibus pension budget bill. Runs 52 minutes.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Qualified Retirement Plans REVEALED: How To Invest During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing The Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement convened on April 3rd, 2023 to discuss the state of pension programs in the United States. The commission is composed of lawmakers, experts, and representatives from various industries and sectors. Their goal is to ensure that pension funds and retirement benefits are sustainable and affordable in the long term. During the meeting, the commission reviewed a report on the current status of pension programs across the country. The report highlighted significant challenges faced by workers in terms of retirement benefits accessibility and sus...

On March 16, 2023, the Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement convened.

00:13 - State Auditor's Supplemental State Aid Work Group Report. 24:37 - HF2928 (Nelson); SFxxxx (Pappas), Revisor #23-04606: State Auditor's Volunteer Firefighter Working Group. 39:35 - HF217 (Franson/Stephenson); SF 809 (Westrom) Public Employees Retirement Association statewide volunteer firefighter plan provisions modified, and service counted modified in determining vesting in a retirement benefit. 50:21 - HF2007 (Robbins); SF 1975 (Limmer) Mid-year effective date for joining Public Employees Retirement Association statewide volunteer firefighter plan provided for Hamel Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association and Loretto Firefighters Relief Association, and Public Employees Retirement Association authorized to merge assets and liabilities related to retirement benefits for merged firefighters. 57:55 - HF2777 (Hudella) Statewide volunteer firefighter retirement plan ; requirements applicable to relief association after affiliated fire department joins st...