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Showing posts with the label RBIFormulaforBankPensionerPensionupdation

Updating Bank Retirees' Pension

*pension updation RBI has been done for the retirees upto 31-10-2017. Something is going to happen in SBI too.*     * RBI pension updation formula only for RBI or pension updation of all other banks (PSBs) will also be done under this formula?*     This a topic which is very important for retirees. For this, the retirees have been striving for 27 years. It is true that in both the cases of RBI and SBI, the government, retirees and UFBU is not giving representation to the UFBU Leaders and Retirees Organization , but *it is the result of the efforts made by the retirees together for the last two-three years*. If you try a little more, you can overcome the problems of retired colleagues of all banks. Recently during my Himachal tour, I was staying at Solan (Himachal) in a hotel, then three of my old friends who retired in 2020-22 came to meet me. It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, it was time for tea and the tea arrived. The conversation started with a sip of tea. &#...