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Showing posts with the label RetirementHealthAccount

Investing in Bonds during a Low Interest Rate Climate

With interest rates at historic lows, so low that some parts of the world are seeing negative interest rates, why would anyone want to invest in bonds at this time. It is our belief that HIGH QUALITY BONDS continue to be an important part of a globally diversified portfolio. CONTACT DAN: OUR WEBSITE: Connect on LinkedIn: Channel Overview: 1. Five Key Issues with Retirement Tax Planning: 2. Four Stages of Retirement Tax Planning: 3. Taxation and Surprises of Social Security: 4. Working and Social Security: 5. Medicare Costs and Surcharges: 6. RMDs: Avoid this 50% Tax Penalty: 7. Tax Efficient Withdrawals: 8. Roth Conversions in Retirement: 9. Qualified Charitable Distributions: 10. PRAP to IRA Rollovers: 11. United Pilots Retiree Health Account: 12. In Plan Roth Conversions: 13. PRAP contributions Graphical Calculator: 14. Sticking to your financial Goals: 15. Back Door Roth IRAs: 16. Spousal IRAs: 17. The Corona Virus and Your Invest...

Avoiding Aggregation with the PRAP and Backdoor Roth IRAs

Is your income too high to contribute to a Roth IRA? Are you concerned that doing post-tax contributions to the PrAP will create more RHA spillover than what you want? Well, if you have not heard of it there is something called a back door roth ira that can help you get around both of these obstacles. But then, there’s a third obstacle to the back door Roth IRA and that’s paying taxes on existing IRAs when doing these conversions. With the PRAP available to us there is a way around that too. That’s what this video is about. CONTACT DAN: OUR WEBSITE: My Video Library:... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERT IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERT IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Back Door Roth IRAs and the PRAP: Avoiding Aggregation for High Earners Saving for retirement is essential for everyone, but high earners often face limitations and restrictions when it comes to contributing to ta...