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Showing posts with the label RetirementInsuranceBenefits

Retirement: Understanding Social Security Benefits

#SocialSecurity #Retirement #Retirementincome Should I retire now at age 62 and collect Social Security benefits, or should I wait until full retirement age? Answer: There's no right time to begin collecting Social Security benefits, but the age at which you begin receiving benefits will affect how much retirement income you have, so you should weigh the consequences carefully. Keep in mind that if you collect Social Security before your full retirement age, your benefit will be permanently reduced. Depending on the year you were born, you'll receive between 25 and 30 percent less per month if you collect benefits at age 62 than if you wait until full retirement age to begin collecting benefits. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that collecting benefits at age 62 is unwise. In fact, unless you live to an especially old age, you may actually end up with more money if you start collecting Social Security benefits at age 62 than if you wait until full retire...