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Showing posts with the label RonDeSantis

Small Business and Farmers Left Behind as DeSantis Focuses on Silicon Valley and Bank Bailouts #shorts

In this speaknsee video, DeSantis explains Silicon Valley got bank bailouts while small businesses and farmers get shafted. If you're interested in the latest news in Silicon Valley, then be sure to watch this video! DeSantis discusses Silicon Valley's bank bailouts, thanks for watching speaknsee. Finally, in this video, about the state of small business and farmers in America on topic While the silicon valley earners get bank bailouts. Why are the small business and farmers getting left behind? DeSantis Silicon Valley Bailouts but Small Businesses and farmers are not. #shorts #speak #speaknsee... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Desantis Silicon Valley and Bank Bailouts: Small Businesses and Farmers Get Shafted In recent years, the growing power and influence of Silicon Valley giants have become mor...

New Poll Shows How Widespread Anti-White Racism Has Become | Ep. 1121

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip has been canceled and exiled from polite society for comments he made about a new poll which shows that a large percentage of Americans don't think it's okay to be white. But I think the poll itself is far more important, and far more troubling, than whatever comments anyone made about it. Also, Zelensky scolds Americans who don't want to continue shuffling billions of dollars into his government's pockets. Ron DeSantis lays out exactly how he would drain the swamp as president. Woody Harrelson speaks the truth about COVID and Big Pharma on SNL, but is it too little, too late? And John Fetterman's wife goes on a journey of self-discovery while her husband suffers in the hospital. Is she the rightful winner of the "worst wife in America" title?  00:00 - Opening 01:50 - New Poll Shows How Widespread Anti-White Racism Has Become 15:11 - Flannels Are Back 16:26 - Day Of Hate Comes ...