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Showing posts with the label RothIRAorTraditionalIRAWhichOneisBetter

Roth IRA vs Traditional IRA: Evaluating the Superior Option in 2021

Roth IRA or Traditional IRA.....How do you choose the right one? #ira #rothira #investing In this video, I will be covering the differences between the Roth IRA, the traditional IRA, as well as the Rollover IRA. The biggest difference between a Roth IRA and a traditional IRA is how and when you get a tax break. Contributions to traditional IRAs are tax-deductible, but withdrawals in retirement are taxable. Contributions to Roth IRAs are not tax-deductible, but the withdrawals in retirement are tax-free. Thus most advice on the Roth IRA vs. traditional IRA topic begins with a question: Do you think your tax rate will be higher or lower in the future? If you can answer that question definitively, you can theoretically choose the type of IRA that will give you the biggest tax savings: If you expect to be in a higher tax bracket in retirement, choose a Roth IRA and its delayed tax benefit. If you expect lower rates in retirement, choose a traditional IRA and its upfront tax...