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Showing posts with the label SavingsChallenges

Savings Challenge Monday! | Saving Cash for Sinking Funds | ✨Show Me The Love! ✨

Monday Savings Challenge time! Back to the post holiday grind! Its Time to get back on track with saving money! Make sure to "Show Me The Love" while you are visiting :-) I love how saving a few dollars here and there really adds up to make a difference. Before I stuffed savings challenges, those few dollars would be not accounted for and spent on stuff I really didn't need. Now I am obsessed with SAVING MONEY! #debtfreejourney #debtfreecommunity #budget ReinventingRene: TandLbudgets: TheSassyMysticShop: FortyPlusLife: ✅ Items I use: Green calculator: 💰 Since you are into saving money 👉🏽 Join me on FETCH - it's an app that you scan your receipts 🧾 into from your shopping trips and you can earn FREE gift cards!! 👇🏽 🌟 Enter this promo code below so you and I can earn EXTRA points! 👉🏽 WX8BV 💖 If you LOVE budgeting, ...