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Showing posts with the label SiliconANGLEMediaInc

Amr Abdelhalem, Fidelity Investments | KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2019

Amr Abdelhalem, Head of Cloud Platforms, Fidelity Investments sits down with Stu Miniman and John Troyer from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2019 in San Diego, CA. #theCUBE #KubeCon #CloudNativeCon Q&A: Fidelity invests in cloud-native, open-source projects to step up innovation Fidelity Investments, a multi-national financial services corporation, is looking to move the “innovation needle” by moving to a cloud-native ecosystem. Embarking on this type of journey — to move thousands of applications, workloads, and data between on-premises and the public cloud — is no easy deed, especially when its financial services operations have to deal with countless regulations and compliance. But Fidelity has been taking small steps and deploying its entire fintech into this hybrid-cloud model. Becoming a member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation and using open-source container-orchestration, Kubernetes, has given them a good push toward their digital transformation. “We ...