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Showing posts with the label StatePension

6 Compelling Reasons to Retire Early

I spend most of my time trying to convince people that now is a good time to retire, and I’ve heard all of the objections before: “I’m nervous about the economy” “I don’t know what I’d do with my time” “I don’t know how much money I need” “What if my children need extra support” “What if I need extra support” I’ll just do one more year… Everyone starts off with similar concerns. But as you sit down and go through the step-by-step process of planning for retirement, you realise that there is little substance to these concerns or that they can be managed. You'll realise that you don’t need more money. You just need a better plan. That process starts here: *Need help planning your retirement?* I am a Chartered Wealth Manager providing financial planning services in the UK. If you want to find out more about working with me and my team, please follow this link: *Step-by-Step retirement planning videos* Video 1 - Video 2 - Video 3 - DISCLAIMER: This chann...

rewrite this title STATE PENSION AGE TO RISE AGAIN 😲

STATE PENSION AGE TO RISE AGAIN 😲 Please subscribe, like, and turn on notifications if you enjoyed the video! SUPPORT ANDY THE GABBY CABBY --------------------------------------------------- ►►► Become a YouTube Member to get access to perks: ► GET MERCH: ► Andy The Gabby Cabby Website: ► Support Andy The Gabby On P️atreon: ► Subscribe for free: FOLLOW US --------------------------------------------------- 🐦 Twitter: 👍 Facebook: 🎥 Instagram: WATCH MORE --------------------------------------------------- ► News: ► ️ Cost Of Living Crisis: ► Andy’s Tips: ► Previous Livestreams: ► Members Videos: This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is being made available within this transformative or derivative work for the purpose of education, commentary and criticism, and is beli...

rewrite this title How to RETIRE using an ISA & PENSION tax efficiently // UK Pension & ISA

How to retire using an ISA & PENSION tax efficiently // UK Pension & ISA In some recent research from Aviva the age at which most aspire to retire early is at age 60. This therefore leaves a gap between age 60 and their State Pension age. This video looks at the position of having both pension and ISA assets and considers where should the income be taken from and how it can be balanced and drawn in the most tax efficient manner. We'll also consider the death benefit position of each in terms of tax. Aviva article referenced: I can be contacted at 🗒 Please note: The information provided is based on the current understanding of the relevant legislation and regulations and may be subject to alteration as a result of changes in legislation or practice. Also it may not reflect the options available under a specific product which may not be as wide as legislations and regulations allow. All references to taxatio...

Possible rewrites: - The Possibility of Falling Short of a Full State Pension Despite 35 Years of National Insurance Contributions - How You Could Miss Out on a Full State Pension Despite Meeting the 35-Year National Insurance Threshold - Reasons Why You May Not Receive the Full State Pension Even if You've Contributed 35 Years to National Insurance - The Risk of Not Qualifying for a Full State Pension Even After 35 Years of Paying National Insurance Contributions - When 35 Years of National Insurance Payments May Not Guarantee a Full State Pension

Even if your State Pension forecast shows you as having paid 35 years of National Insurance Contributions you might not get a full State Pension. There was a big change to the State Pension system back in 2016 and this has resulted in the government trying to make things simpler going forward but with lots of complications in trying to cobble together all of the old rules. Let me explain why you might not have built up a full State Pension even though you have 35 years on your record and what you can do about it. You might not get a full State Pension if you contracted out. Your State Pension forecast will show you your current position. The full new State Pension which was brought in on the 6th April 2016 is currently £179.60 per week (2021/22 tax year). Normally, you need to have paid 35 years of National Insurance contributions to qualify for the full new State Pension. However. Back in the day many workplaces offered pension schemes that allowed you t...

Unraveling the UK State Pension - With a Dash of Excitement

💷 Grab the FREE eBOOK - 5 Pension Tax Mistakes to AVOID 👇 GET ACCESS ✅ Learn the 5 KEY PENSION tax mistakes to AVOID, so you don’t leave HMRC a tip ✅ Understand what are the 2 financial questions EVERYONE needs to answer ✅ Discover the evidence-based approach so you can love your retirement and fill it with fun and purpose ✅ Understand what your most valuable retirement asset is ✅ Find out the secrets professionals use in a LIFE-CHANGING retirement masterclass 📺 WATCH - NEW VIDEO ✅ -10 STATE PENSION SECRETS👇 In this video I go over probably the least exciting area of finance. The State Pension! Can I make it exciting? Probably not but we all love a trier. WORK WITH ME - ✅ 📝 I am a Chartered Financial Planner providing financial planning services in the UK. I help people retire earlier, make the most of their finances, protect their family and save taxes. If you would like to find...

Is this your last opportunity to add to your State Pension before the criteria changes?

Watch our webinar as James Mitchell, Financial Advisor at Holborn Assets, will share his insights regarding the UK state pension benefits, entitlements, voluntary and back dated contributions. Whether you are looking to retire abroad or in the UK, your National Insurance contributions will impact if and how much State Pension you receive. Although the UK State Pension probably is not enough on its own to support you financially through retirement, from as little as £3.15 per week, it is an incredibly cost-effective way of topping up your retirement income. For more information, get in touch with our advisers by filling in the form here: #holborn #uk #pension #statepension #pensiontransfer... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Retirement Pension Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing If you're looking to top up your State Pension, the time to act is no...

Transitional rules explained: From the old Basic State Pension to the New State Pension

The new state pension replaced the basic and additional state pension for those who reach State Pension Age on or after 6 April 2016. I’m going to explain how your entitlement to the new state pension is calculated and what happens if you’re in the fortunate position where your state pension benefits are projected to exceed the amount of the new state pension. I will also explain how you can ensure you receive the full new state pension, if you’re currently projected to fall short. Other videos you might like: Check your eligibility to top up NI contributions back to 2006: How the new state pension differs from the basic & additional state pension: add link Getting your State Pension Forecast and National Insurance Record (2021): How to interpret your State Pension forecast: How to reduce a potential shortfall in your State Pension entitlement: Should You Top Up Your NI Contributions For A Better State Pension?: Can you inherit a spouse's state pension if...

Is Your Pension Safe? States Struggle With Pricey Challenges

As part of his continuing coverage of Making Sen$e of financial news, economics correspondent Paul Solman reports from Rhode Island on the struggles that states are facing over how to calculate investment returns for public pension funds to keep them fully funded.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Retirement Planning REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #budgets #economy #GreatRecession #MakingSense #PaulSolman #PBSNewsHour #pensions #recession #statebudget #StatePension #WallStreet #PersRetirement #budgets #economy #GreatRecession #MakingSense #PaulSolman #PBSNewsHour #pensions #recession #statebudget #StatePension #WallStreet

State Pension Will Be Shut Down: Act Now!

Hey guys, in this video we need talk about the impending catastrophe that is the state pension. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, don’t expect the state pension to be around when you retire. We’d assume that most people who watch our videos have some money invested, even if it’s just a little. Well, you guys should be especially concerned about future changes to the state pension because its people with money who will be most in the firing line. Nobody is talking about this – the whole country is always preoccupied with more pressing issues. A few years ago it was Brexit, then it was Covid, and right now it’s war and rising inflation and the cost of living. But how much longer can we kick the can down the road? In this video we’ll look at the importance of the state pension, why it will almost certainly be scrapped or changed for the worse, what will likely happen in our view, and how you can prepare for the inevitable. Now, let’s check it out… 👉 FI...