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Showing posts with the label TenantsByTheEntirety

WCI Podcast #300 - Introduction to the Secure Act 2.0

Today Dr. Dahle walks you through what changes are coming with Secure Act 2.0. He will take you through everything step by step to hopefully make sense of all of the changes for you. He also answers your questions about the backdoor Roth, estate planning, tax loss harvesting and more. If you want to read more about Secure Act 2.0 click the link: What’s changed in healthcare? The opportunities, the lifestyle, and you. Your needs, wants, and goals are probably different than they were five years ago. Now’s the perfect time to explore locum tenens opportunities. Start your research at an unbiased, educational resource. You’ll hear true stories from physicians, learn about specialty trends, compare locums agencies, and more. Locums could be an essential part of a career that adapts to your needs. Visit The White Coat Investor has been helping doctors with their money since 2011. Our free financial planning resource covers a variety of topics from doctor mortgage loans and re...