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Saving Taxes by Filing Separately When Married - Presented by TheStreet + TurboTax

When Married Filing Separately Will Save You Taxes - Presented by TheStreet + TurboTax TurboTax Home: TurboTax Support: TurboTax Blog: TurboTax Twitter: TurboTax Facebook: TurboTax Instagram: TurboTax Pinterest: TurboTax Tumblr: ~~~Video Transcript Title: When Married Filing Separately Will Save You Taxes - Presented by TheStreet + TurboTax - [Announcer] TurboTax helps you navigate the 2020 tax season. - Sometimes filing separately will save a married couple on their taxes. Here to explain is Lisa Greene-Lewis, CPA and tax expert at TurboTax. Tell me, Lisa, I thought that married couples should file jointly, but maybe that's not always the case. - Generally, you should file jointly, 'cause you may see a lower tax rate and some bigger benefits like a bigger standard deduction, which if you're married filing jointly is $24,400, but there are some reasons that someone may wanna file separately. - What are some of the reasons that a mar...