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Showing posts with the label WealthProtectionPlanning

Roth IRA Conversions in a Down Market & Inflation w/Emphasis for Parents of Children w/Special Needs

In this presentation, a recording of a virtual seminar originally held live on Nov. 9, 2022, Attorney Julie Steinbacher and James Lange, CPA, Attorney and Registered Investment Advisor, go into great detail on the topic of Roth IRA conversions, with a special focus and emphasis for parents with children with special needs. With the SECURE Act nearing its three-year anniversary and it having eliminated the old "stretch" IRA, there remains a loophole in the current law for beneficiaries of IRAs that have special needs, so those individuals that may be passing on a Roth IRA to a beneficiary that has special needs will want to take this into consideration when doing their estate planning. To get the free resources from James that are referenced at the end of the presentation, visit: Presented Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak We prepare handcrafted estate plans that guide you on your path. OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Long-Term Care Planning Crisis Planning Es...