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Showing posts with the label WeimarRepublic

The Worst Investment Mistake You Can Make Under Hyperinflation

Learn to trade futures: Use the discount code YT99 to get the best price. In this video, I discuss why you should never use leverage when investing in an environment of high inflation or even hyperinflation. Asset prices like stocks, gold, and Bitcoin will almost certainly go up a lot (as denominated in that local currency), but the path that they take will be extremely volatile. If you are using any leverage, there is a higher chance that you get stopped out of your trade/investment before you end up being right about the endgame. Investing is always a path-dependent game when you are using margin or leverage. It's a much better idea to take an unleveraged position in Bitcoin by dollar cost averaging in and holding it in cold storage for the long-term. Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor. What Happens To Stocks And Real Estate In Hyperinflation? Chart of Zimbabwe stock market: Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic: What gold did in Weimar: ...