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Review of "Fascination," the 10th episode of Season 3 of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Is it "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "Into the Woods" or a menopausal telepathic virus? Peldor Joy! Love is in the air on DS9 and Keith and Mike are there for it despite themselves. Who's gonna end up kissing whom? Star Trek: Deep Space Nine S3E10 "Fascination" Review Keith & Mike sit down to do a long-form review of Star Trek DS9. We talk about the episode's background, trivia, characters, storytelling and give out our episode rating in the AllamaEmmies! It's nerdy fun. PODCAST VERSION: SUPPORT OUR PATREON: Keith's favorite Star Trek series is the immortal Deep Space Nine. Mike knows nothing about it at all. Together, they review the entire series episode by episode. 00:00 | Introduction 00:31 | Keith and Mike chitchat/We Thank the Patrons! 13:24 | About the Episode/Time Capsule 21:05 | Trivial Trivia 24:46 | Episode Discussion 1:03:30 | Mike's Vocab Quiz 1:04:56 | The AlamarEmmys! Previous Episodes: Seas...