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Showing posts with the label economicreset

Q&A Session with Lynette Zang and Eric Griffin: Understanding Gold IRAs, Funds, and Credit Unions

Questions on Protecting Wealth with Gold & Silver? Call 877-410-1414 or Schedule a Call for Later Here: ↓ _______________ Question 1: 0:51 Saw your "shift" video. I'm not sure quite what to make of it -- I've attached an image here to explain. No one else in the YouTube comments section seemed to notice, but no matter how many times I blinked, I couldn't get Spot to trade below SLV! What am I missing? Question 2: 06:10 If someone owes $100,000 on a mortgage and the currency is reset what happens? Do you think there will be a period of time where you can pay the mortgage off before it is revalued to the new currency? Question 3: 07:19 Roll over from IRA stocks to Gold IRA. Does this move work or is it a bad move? Question 4: 09:43 My family and friends and I are all very concerned about the Bail In's possibility. Are we relatively safe in keeping some of our money in credit unions? Question 5: 11:40 What comes first hyperinflation or t...