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Showing posts with the label edwardcotney

Who Will Actually Inherit Your IRA? Kids, IRS, Creditors?

Edward W. Cotney shares a powerful strategy in this advisor facing presentation to address the ticking time bomb of Inherited IRAs. This presentation incorporates 2 planning models, one as a testamentary IRA Tax Rescue Model using a term certain Charitable Remainder Trust to bless the kids and charity. The second model builds upon the testamentary model using a CRUT to create a more tax efficient IRA to ROTH or Life Insurance conversion model before the IRA owner passes away. This presentation also incorporates WHY professional advisors should emphasize asset protection of Inherited IRA plans to protect the asset from the heirs' judgements and increased taxation. To learn more visit or buy my book, Tax Secrets Made Simple. ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA https://inflationprote...