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Showing posts with the label elderlawattourney

Medicaid Asset Protection Strategies | Zoomside Chat

In this Zoomside Chat, Michael Ettinger discusses the strategies we can use to better protect our assets for the future. We will talk about Caregiver Agreements, Pooled Income Trust, Long-Term Care Insurance, Medicaid Asset Protection Trust and many others, along with their pros and cons. Get the Ettinger Plan: To learn more, please visit: Contact us directly: 1-800-500-2525 Ettinger Law Firm focuses exclusively on elder law estate planning. Our attorneys and paralegals work to provide asset protection and tax savings for baby boomers and senior citizens. Practicing for twenty seven years and with offices in sixteen New York State locations, Ettinger Law Firm has prepared thousands of estate plans for generations of middle class families. Chapters: 00:00 Intro 2:00 Caregiver Agreements 4:56 The Pooled Income Trust 11:54 Long-Term Care Insurance 16:11 Veteran's Benefits for Caregivers 17:18 Medicaid Exemptions 22:42 Medicaid Qualifying Annuities 25:02 Spousal Refu...