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Reviewing Star Trek Picard 309 - "Vox" with Doug Drexler on T7R2 #114: The Youths Are Not Fine.

Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) and sci-fi producer, Ryan T. Husk, review Star Trek: Picard, season 3 episode 9, "VOX." SPECIAL GUEST: DOUG DREXLER!! To support the The 7th Rule and join the team: Please Like, Follow, Share, SUBSCRIBE, and join the team! Listen to all our DEEP SPACE NINE AUDIO PODCAST episodes on your favorite podcasting platform here: Listen to all our NEW STAR TREK AUDIO PODCAST (DSC, PIC, LDS, PRO, SNW) episodes on your favorite podcasting platform here: Malissa Longo creates fun and functional Star Trek art at: Get radical Trek swag at Ryan's "Star Trek and Chill" online store here: Produced by Ryan T. Husk Executive Producer: Dr. Susan V. Gruner Jason Okun Associate Producers: Homer Frizzell Dr. Ann Marie Segal Eve England Yvette Blackmon-Tom Carmen aka Skillet TJ Jackson-Bey Bill Victor Arucan Titus Mohler Darlena Marie Blander ...