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Showing posts with the label entrepreneuradviceforbeginners2018

Fake Money Is Making You Poorer! Why Savers are LOSERS - Robert Kiyosaki [ Millennial Money ]

Why the world is filled with fake money and how you can get richer using it. The #1 lesson in “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is, “The rich do not work for money.” Today, I modified that to, “The rich do not work for fake money,” in my new book “Fake: How Lies are Making the Poor and the Middle-Class Poorer.” In this episode, I walk you through a brief history lesson so you don't fall into the trap of FAKE MONEY. I’m on a mission to level the playing field between the rich and the poor, the elites and the average folks. The lessons I teach on fake money, fake teachers, and fake assets are essential to learn in order to make sure you can grow richer in a world that has and continues to change. Purchase my latest book, FAKE: YouTube videos on gold and silver: Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel and stay tuned for upcoming videos! Facebook: @RobertKiyosaki Twitter: @TheRealKiyosaki Instagram: @TheRealKiyosaki ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Keogh Plans ...