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Retirement Plan Spitball Analyses for Side Hustles, Clergy & Grandkids - YMYW podcast 309

Today on Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast 309, Joe Anderson, CFP® and Big Al Clopine, CPA are answering questions from across the personal finance spectrum: inherited IRAs and late RMDs, contributing to non-qualified deferred compensation plans, making Roth contributions for grandkids, how a Roth impacts student loans, taxation on ESPPs and RSUs, paying off the mortgage, and retirement plan spitball analysis for a clergyman and his wife, and for a couple with a profitable side hustle. Access the transcript and financial resources, ask your money questions: 00:56 - Options for Taking Late RMDs on an Inherited IRA? (Bryan) 06:42 - Should I Make Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plan Contributions? (Jeff, Dallas, TX) 11:49 - Can We Make Roth Contributions for our Granddaughter? (Therese) 14:16 - Clergyman Retirement Plan Spitball Analysis (Christine, PA) 23:45 - How Does a Roth Impact Student Loans? (Sheryllyn) 28:54 - Confirming Capital Gains vs Ordinary Income vs Roth (Ric...