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Showing posts with the label estateplanning

Simplified Retirement Strategy: The Two Bucket Plan

Keep It Simple, Stupid – KISS. That is the best advice I can give for one’s retirement. The more complex your retirement plan the harder it will be to keep to it. Thus, the beauty of the 2-Bucket Retirement Plan. It works just like this. You need $50k a year in income. You get $30k from Social Security. You need to make up the extra $20k from portfolio distributions. In bucket 1, you then keep 3 years worth of that $20k into a safe account, checking and laddered CDs. In bucket 2, you invest in a diversified equity portfolio. Every year, when the market gives you gains, you take those gains and put them into the first bucket. If the market is down and your portfolio has lost ground, you leave it be. Literally that simple. Notice though in bucket 2 there are NO bonds. The reason is that your income, Social Security, pensions etc. should be viewed as your bond portfolio. So, given you have the bulk of your income coming from bonds there is no reason to add MORE bonds. You...

Taxation of the FERS Retirement Annuity Supplement

FERS Supplemental Annuity is taxed as Ordinary Income. ================================ Get the PDF version of my Tax Bomb book for free follow this link. My course "Can I Retire" contains 43 videos and over 7 hours of teaching. Get it here: and don't forget there IS a 30 day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied! Get my books on Audible here: Get your own Trusty Calculator: Want to support what I'm doing for $10 a month? Join my SubscribeStar page. My Amazon Product page: Anything you buy there Amazon pays me a commission. Much appreciated! GET MY BOOKS: ALL are FREE to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers! You Can RETIRE on SOCIAL SECURITY: The Tax Bomb In Your Retirement Accounts: How The Roth IRA Can Help You Avoid It: Strategic Money Planning: 8 Easy Ways To Put Your House In Order State by State Tax Guide For Retirees: GET ALL MY LATEST BLOGPOSTS: M1Finance affiliate: My TurboTax affiliate: PODCAST: Creating yo...

Redefining the Social Security Strategy: Analyzing the 62/67 Plan

================================ Sign up for email list here. Find this video of value? Buy me a cup of coffee! Get Your Own Pablo Retirement Gear: Follow me censorship-free! My course "Can I Retire" will help reduce your stress when it comes to retirement planning . Get it here: and don't forget there IS a 30 day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied! Get my books on Audible here: Want to support what I'm doing for $10 a month? Join my SubscribeStar page! My Amazon Product page: Anything you buy there Amazon pays me a commission. Much appreciated! GET MY BOOKS: ALL are FREE to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers! You Can RETIRE on SOCIAL SECURITY: The Tax Bomb In Your Retirement Accounts: How The Roth IRA Can Help You Avoid It: Strategic Money Planning: 8 Easy Ways To Put Your House In Order GET ALL MY LATEST BLOGPOSTS: ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Acc...

Retirement Income Planning Expert: Tom Hegna's Annuity General - Ensuring Lifelong Financial Security

Guaranteed Lifetime Income. Wealth, Tax & Estate Management. Fixed Index Annuity. Income for life guaranteed. Immediate annuities. Personal Pension. Participation rates on an index. Zero is your Hero. No stockmarket downside risk. Tax Advantages. Tax-deferred growth. cannex call/text me with your questions now please to 9173863057 Clifford E Wright Wealth Management for growth, annuities to replace bonds for reasonable growth using sector rotation and basing annuity choics on 5 and 10 year economic forecasts. Annuities like Americo Biotech FIA index for matching investment themes of top portfolio managers. Match the annuity to the economic forecast and the sector. #raydalio #billackman #peterschiff #livestream #MarketUpdate from #CathieWood #Ark Invest. We are Investors First, YouTubers Second. Become a member of our Facebook Group AnnuityAce or RetirementIncomeAc...

What Happens to My Spouse if I Pass Away Before Claiming Social Security?

================================ Sign up for email list here. Get Your Own Pablo Retirement Gear: Follow me censorship-free! My course "Can I Retire" will help reduce your stress when it comes to retirement planning . Get it here: and don't forget there IS a 30 day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied! Get my books on Audible here: Want to support what I'm doing for $10 a month? Join my SubscribeStar page! My Amazon Product page: Anything you buy there Amazon pays me a commission. Much appreciated! GET MY BOOKS: ALL are FREE to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers! You Can RETIRE on SOCIAL SECURITY: The Tax Bomb In Your Retirement Accounts: How The Roth IRA Can Help You Avoid It: Strategic Money Planning: 8 Easy Ways To Put Your House In Order GET ALL MY LATEST BLOGPOSTS: ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERTING IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Accoun...

Understanding Step-Up in Basis: A Closer Look at Stepped-Up Cost Basis

What does it mean to have a step-up in cost basis on an appreciated asset? (An appreciated asset could be a stock, bond, mutual fund, etc. that has gone up in value) For estate planning purposes, how is the gain on the asset taxed for the beneficiary? Pete Keller, CFP® of Pure Financial Advisors walks through stepped-up basis for beneficiaries, for spouses where the asset is held as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, and for spouses where the asset is held as community property. Pure Financial Advisors, LLC is a fee-only Registered Investment Advisor providing comprehensive retirement planning services and tax-optimized investment management to thousands of people across the nation. Schedule a free assessment with an experienced financial professional: Office locations: Ask Joe & Big Al On Air: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Subscribe to the Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast: IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES: • Investment Advisory and Financial Planning Service...

An Estate Plan: Understanding Its Importance and Who Requires It

According to a recent survey about 61% or 79 millions American households expect to receive or leave an inheritance. Having an estate plan is critical in allowing your assets to transfer without conflict. Having a proper estate plan gives you the ability to determine what will happen to your assets after you pass and how it will be distributed to your loved ones. The primary goal of an effective estate plan is to preserve wealth. This Friday Financial Freedom video will give you the building blocks of an estate plan. 🔴 SUBSCRIBE for more FREE tips: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🤝BECOME ONE OF OUR HIGH VALUED CLIENTS: It only takes 2 steps 1. Complete an application. ➡️ 2. Once application is complete, take our Color of Money Risk Analysis to help us assess your overall risk tolerance. ➡️ Wish to Schedule an Appointment with the Retirement Education Center ➡️ Want to learn more? Watch our 1 hour Retirement Inco...

Case Studies of Life Insurance Retirement Plans [LIRPs]

The LIRP, also known as the life insurance retirement plan, offers many benefits. See Depending on whether you choose whole life or universal life, the LIRP can provide much needed supplemental income in retirement. See In fact, the guarantees offered by whole life insurance make it an excellent vehicle for life insurance retirement plans. See In this discussion with the Financial Experts Network, estate planner and life insurance expert, Steve Gibbs, of offers a few life insurance planning scenarios for a mainstream audience of financial professionals.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Qualified Retirement Plans REVEALED: How To Invest During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing Life Insurance Retirement Plan [LIRP] Case Studies: Unlocking the Benefits of Life Insurance for Your Retirement Planning for retirement can be a daunting task. With so many ...

The Fate of Your IRA, Roth, & 401k Retirement Accounts Upon Death

Have you ever wondered what happens to your retirement assets when you pass away? This episode will discuss how to plan effectively for your spouse, children, or other beneficiaries to inherit these monies. We will cover IRA, 401k, and Roth retirement accounts and discuss what beneficiaries who inherit these assets need to know before they just cash out the account. This episode will cover: • Distribution planning: Do you have to liquidate these accounts upon inheriting these monies? If not, how should you plan effectively to withdraw the funds? • Taxes: What are the taxes on these accounts if you inherit them. Does the beneficiary pay or the original owner? • Administratively, how do you get to these assets and withdraw them? (Dealing with these institutions is very difficult sometimes.) • If you want to maximize how much your beneficiaries inherit, what should you be thinking about? • If you want to maximize how you use retirement funds you've inherited, what sho...

Exploring the Benefits of a Roth IRA: Unveiling the Awesomeness

A Roth IRA (Individual retirement account ) is a type of retirement savings account that offers unique tax advantages to individuals in the United States. It is named after Senator William Roth, who played a key role in its creation. Here are the key features and benefits of a Roth IRA: 1. **Tax-Advantaged Savings:** The primary advantage of a Roth IRA is its tax treatment. Contributions to a Roth IRA are made with after-tax dollars, meaning you don't get an immediate tax deduction for your contributions, unlike a traditional IRA. However, qualified withdrawals from a Roth IRA, including both contributions and earnings, are tax-free. 2. **No Mandatory Withdrawals:** Unlike traditional IRAs and 401(k)s, Roth IRAs do not require you to start taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) at a certain age. This flexibility can be advantageous for retirement planning , as you can leave your money invested for as long as you want. 3. **Flexibility in Investments:** Within a ...

Historical: Investment Lessons for a Lifetime from the Legendary John Bogle

John C. Bogle, the founder of Vanguard, now the largest mutual fund company in the world and the creator of index funds, which account for 28% of all stock mutual funds. We have a special treat for you this week- an extended interview with one of a kind investment legend, John Bogle. Jack, as he is known to many of us, is the founder of Vanguard, the low-cost investment giant famous for the index funds which he created there in 1976. His first index mutual fund, now named the Vanguard 500 Index Fund because it is modeled on the S&P 500 market index, now has over $100 billion in assets, as does its equivalent fund for institutional investors. It’s growing rapidly because of its low cost, largely passive investment model. Called a mutual company, Vanguard is the only mutual fund company owned by its fund investors, not private or public stockholders. Bogle set it up that way as he puts it to insure it would act as a pure “fiduciary”, putting the interests of its invest...

The Victory of Good: BeartariaFest Vs Burning Man Showcases a Reason to Hope

Sign up for the Beartaria App. All positivity, family friendly social media. ================================ Sign up for email list here. Find this video of value? Buy me a cup of coffee! Get Your Own Pablo Retirement Gear: Follow me censorship-free! My course "Can I Retire" will help reduce your stress when it comes to retirement planning. Get it here: and don't forget there IS a 30 day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied! Get my books on Audible here: My Amazon Product page: Anything you buy there Amazon pays me a commission. Much appreciated! GET MY BOOKS: ALL are FREE to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers! You Can RETIRE on SOCIAL SECURITY: The Tax Bomb In Your Retirement Accounts: How The Roth IRA Can Help You Avoid It: Strategic Money Planning: 8 Easy Ways To Put Your House In Order GET ALL MY LATEST BLOGPOSTS: ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment Du...

The Importance of Designating Your Spouse as the Primary Beneficiary for an IRA Account

Orange County Estate Planning Attorney James F. Roberts answers FAQ and gives information on what is currently happening in estate planning. For married people typically their beneficiaries on things such as IRAs, 401Ks, and other qualified funds is our spouse. There are definite tax benefits from naming your spouse as your IRA beneficiary rather than someone else. Those benefits are not available to any other beneficiary other than the spouse. If a person passes away and named their spouse as their primary IRA beneficiary for these types of account then their spouse is the only beneficiary that can roll that IRA for their now deceased spouse into their own IRA. One of the main benefits is that the surviving spouse can now delay taking their distributions until reaching 70 and 1/2 years old and can still use the joint life expectancy table because it is now their IRA. This major benefit is one of the reasons that our office recommends naming the spouse the beneficiary of ...

Further Evidence That Government Spending Does Not Cause Inflation

================================ Sign up for email list here. Find this video of value? Buy me a cup of coffee! Get Your Own Pablo Retirement Gear: Follow me censorship-free! My course "Can I Retire" will help reduce your stress when it comes to retirement planning. Get it here: and don't forget there IS a 30 day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied! Get my books on Audible here: My Amazon Product page: Anything you buy there Amazon pays me a commission. Much appreciated! GET MY BOOKS: ALL are FREE to Kindle Unlimited Subscribers! You Can RETIRE on SOCIAL SECURITY: The Tax Bomb In Your Retirement Accounts: How The Roth IRA Can Help You Avoid It: Strategic Money Planning: 8 Easy Ways To Put Your House In Order GET ALL MY LATEST BLOGPOSTS: ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Thrift Savings Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SI...