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Showing posts with the label etfsforearlyretirement

The 10 Best ETFs for Retirement Portfolios in 2023

Retirees have unique needs when it comes to their investment portfolios. Here I’ve assembled what I think are the best ETFs for retirement portfolios in 2023. Sample retirement portfolio: Simplified sample retirement portfolio: // TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 - Intro - What Retirees Need 02:10 - VT 02:34 - AVUV 03:22 - AVDV 03:40 - GOVT 04:57 - FUTY 05:50 - FSTA 06:16 - STIP 07:05 - SCHH 07:57 - VNQI 08:24 - GLDM 08:59 - Sample Retirement Portfolio 11:01 - Outro // SUMMARY: Obviously, many ETFs are perfectly suitable for both the young investor at age 20 and the retiree at age 60. But the latter has fundamentally different needs. Note that if you’re already using a target date fund, you probably don’t need anything from this list. Diversification and subsequent de-risking of the portfolio become more important when entering retirement. Provided they’ve accumulated enough to cover expenses in retirement, the retiree should almost certainly be sacrificing some returns to lower the...