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Showing posts with the label eu41.35franceideas

rewrite this title Forming The MOST POWERFUL Nation in EU4 1.35

EU4 1.35 France received so many insane buffs from their mission tree and the special mechanics that they are by far the most powerful nation in eu4 Grab domination for yourself using my link: ✅ EU4 Guides: ✅ ✅ France Part 1 - ✅ ✅ Estates Guide - ✅ ✅ Army Composition - ✅ ✅ Trade Guide - ✅ ❤️ PATREON ► 💻 TWITCH► 👑 DISCORD ► Vods Channel🚨 @LudiClips 🚨 Personal Channel 🚨 @Ludisan 🚨 Europa Universalis IV is a grand strategy games published by Paradox Interactive. All rights reserved. This is an unofficial video, not endorsed by Paradox Interactive. Disclaimer: This is not a guide, it's just me having fun in the game and sharing my experience with you, my beloved viewers! I know I explain a lot of stuff and try to teach things in my videos, but that doesn't make these videos guides, I stopped making guides 1 year ago so unless ...