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Showing posts with the label europenearsrecession

Germany's downturn leads Eurozone into recession as inflation hampers economic growth

The Eurozone, which consists of 20 member states of European Union that have adopted the Euro as their primary currency, has fallen into recession. After defying predictions of recession multiple times, the eurozone economy finally slipped into a technical recession in the first quarter of 2023, new data from European statistics agency Eurostat showed…after downward revisions of growth in both the first quarter and the final quarter of 2022. Eurostat had also revised down an earlier forecast that had predicted slight growth, after economic powerhouse Germany last month said it had fallen into recession. The revision was principally due to a second estimate from Germany’s statistics office showing that the euro zone’s largest economy was in recession in early 2023. This had been expected towards the end of last year as the euro zone wrestled with high energy and food prices and rising interest rates designed to curb inflation, but initial estimates had suggested the region had...