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Showing posts with the label exemptfromrmd

Why Consider a Reverse Rollover? Discover 4 Additional Benefits Alongside RMD Exemption!

Does it make the most sense for your situation to do a standard rollover when you retire or could you benefit from a 'reverse rollover'? Either with a 401k, 403b, or TSP, a reverse rollover can be a powerful option for some retirees. You can schedule an appointment with one of our Retirement Experts to look at your situation and help you plan for your future. Call us at (920) 544-0576 or go to Many retirees are quite familiar with a normal 401k to IRA rollover. This will be the most common type of rollover most individuals will use. But this doesn't mean it's the best option for EVERYONE. Did you know there are benefits to reversing this process and doing reverse rollover (IRA to 401k rollover, IRA to 403b rollover, or IRA to TSP rollover)? What are some of these benefits? 0:00 What is a Reverse Rollover? 0:51 Reason #1 - Early Access 2:28 Reason #2 - Backdoor Roth IRA 4:25 Reason #3 - RMD Exemption 5:46 Reason #4 - Creditor Protection 6:28 Reason #...