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Showing posts with the label familylawattorney

Divide the Community Instead of Divorce

How Louisiana family law already supports collaborative divorce and how you and your attorney can best work in your case. This video discusses the benefits of separating community property BEFORE filing for divorce. It also identifies some situations when it's best to get divorced first then handle community property. Procedure is HOW the lawsuit moves through the court process. Family law procedure is very different from other types of Louisiana legal actions.... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERTING IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Separate Community before Divorce: What is it and Why is it Important? Separate community before divorce is a legal concept that refers to the property that belongs exclusively to each spouse during marriage, and that will not be subject to division or distribution in case of divorce. This concept is also known as "sepa...

Financial Abuse, Narcissists & Money: A Divorce Lawyer's Perspective

What is financial abuse? What are examples of financial abuse? Financial control can be part of a nefarious plot and key part of making the victim feel impotent, dependent, and isolated. Because financial abuse is so damaging, it must be addressed in the divorce. Why does financial abuse happen? How do you identify financial abuse in a relationship? For more information, read Divorcing the Narcissist: What motivates the abuser? Why do some spouses feel the need to be in absolute control of the family finances? Domestic financial abuse is about control. Financial control could include using legitimate financial tools designed to prevent fraud, for the abusive purpose of tracking the other spouse. The abuser may keep the other spouse in absolute darkness as to marital resources and debts. Lack of communication is an issue for many couples facing divorce. But the controlling spouse may never discuss finances with the victim. Financial abuse can involve keeping the o...

Divorce & Your 401k - 2 min Tip

Steve Parker has a discussion with Steve Shewmaker of about divorce and your 401k. #DIVORCE911 #CriticalDivorceCare #BeforeDuringAfter... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: 401k Plans REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing HOW TO INVEST IN SILVER: Silver IRA Investing #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #401k #divorce #divorceattorney #divorcemediation #divorceplanning #familylaw #familylawattorney #FinancialPlanning #mediation #protectingassets #seperation #401k #401k #divorce #divorceattorney #divorcemediation #divorceplanning #familylaw #familylawattorney #FinancialPlanning #mediation #protectingassets #seperation