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Showing posts with the label fileandsuspend

Spousal Benefits for Divorcees

You could be entitled to claim up to HALF of an ex’s Social Security benefit! Many divorced individuals do not realize that they are actually eligible to collect a spousal Social Security benefit based on their ex-spouse’s work record! In this video, Jim discusses how Spousal benefits for divorcees work as well as the criteria you must meet to claim these important benefits. To get a free copy of The Little Black Book of Social Security Secrets go to Social security, retirement, Bipartisan Budget Act, BBA, SS, benefit, social security benefits, apply and suspend, file and suspend, restricted application, social security secrets, james lange, little black book, government retirement benefits, social security strategies, social security strategy, surviving spouse, spousal benefits, social security choices... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERTING IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA A...