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How to INVEST during INFLATION and RECESSION? Wealth Management | Nouriel Roubini |Financial Freedom

Why is it critical to think about money and wealth management in a recession? What are the best investment management options? What are the best investments during a depression? What to buy before a recession? How to invest during inflation and recession? What are considered safe investments in recession? What investments do well in a recession? Nouriel Roubini: "...once the hard landing occurs, in a typical recession, US equities will go down by about 35%... However, why we have a 60/40 portfolio 60 equity, 40 bonds? ... the view usually is that when equity do well, bonds do poorly and vice versa" Nouriel Roubini: "...instead of having long duration bonds you have short duration bonds because as inflation goes higher the yield goes higher." Nouriel Roubini analyzes the pros and cons of different types of investments in a recession. Always consult the best wealth management advisors. Subscribe to our channel 👉 Listen "The Intelligent ...