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Showing posts with the label financialliteracy

President Biden Dispels Recession Concerns: No Economic Downturn Expected

✅ Join me on my first Investor Summit on August 15, 2023! Register for free here: ✅ Check out my products: 1. Market Briefs - Get my free financial newsletter for investors: 2. Business Accounting - Does your business do over $250k/year? If yes, get a free consultation on how to lower your tax liability: 3. BuzzLegal - Have a business idea? Let our network of attorneys protect it: What Is The Minority Mindset? "The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look. It's the mindset of thinking differently than the majority of people" ~Jaspreet Singh AKA The Minority Mindset #MinorityMindset #JaspreetSingh My recommended tools! Please note: Although these are our sponsors & advertisers, these are companies that I trust and use (or have used). The compensation doesn't affect my recommendations or advice. However, you should always do your own research & never blindly listen to a random guy on YouTube. ---------- ➤ Real Estate Inves...

The Essential Investments You Must Have: A Secret the Wealthy 1% Never Shares | By Jaspreet Singh

Download my FREE eBook - How To Build Wealth As An Investor: ✅ Check out my products: 1. Market Briefs - Get my free financial newsletter for investors: 2. Academy Briefs - Get my free eBook on Building Wealth As An Investor: 3. Business Accounting - Does your business do over $250k/year? If yes, get a free consultation on how to lower your tax liability: 4. BuzzLegal - Have a business idea? Let our network of attorneys protect it: Recommended: How To Attract Infinite Wealth (Not The Law Of Attraction): What Is The Minority Mindset? "The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look. It's the mindset of thinking differently than the majority of people" ~Jaspreet Singh AKA The Minority Mindset #MinorityMindset #JaspreetSingh My recommended tools! Please note: Although these are our sponsors & advertisers, these are companies that I trust and use (or have used). The compensation doesn't affect my recommendations or advice. How...

Dive into Financial Liberation with Auto-Tools! #financialeducation #financialfreedom #finance

#FinancialFreedomJourney #YoungMoneyMatters #AdultingFinanceTips #SmartSavingsHacks #DebtFreeDreams #Investing101ForYouth #BudgetingBasics #FirstTimeInvestor #StudentLoanSurvivor #FrugalLifeHacks #YoungWealthWisdom #EarlyRetirementGoals #Finance #FinancialEducation #MoneyTips Empowering the Next Generation: A Guide to Financial Freedom for Young Adults Welcome to our dedicated finance channel, a beacon for young adults navigating the often tumultuous waters of personal finance. As you embark on this transformative journey from youth to adulthood, understanding and managing your financial resources is of paramount importance. Whether you're grappling with student loans, eager to establish a robust savings plan, or setting sail on your maiden investment voyage, our channel promises to be your steadfast guide. Addressing the Unique Financial Challenges of Today's Youth It's undeniable that young adults today face a financial landscape unlike any other previous ...

Achieving Real Estate Riches in Just 60 Seconds! #FinancialFreedom #FinancialEducation #Motivation

#FinancialFreedomJourney #YoungMoneyMatters #AdultingFinanceTips #SmartSavingsHacks #DebtFreeDreams #Investing101ForYouth #BudgetingBasics #FirstTimeInvestor #StudentLoanSurvivor #FrugalLifeHacks #YoungWealthWisdom #EarlyRetirementGoals #Finance #FinancialEducation #MoneyTips Empowering the Next Generation: A Guide to Financial Freedom for Young Adults Welcome to our dedicated finance channel, a beacon for young adults navigating the often tumultuous waters of personal finance. As you embark on this transformative journey from youth to adulthood, understanding and managing your financial resources is of paramount importance. Whether you're grappling with student loans, eager to establish a robust savings plan, or setting sail on your maiden investment voyage, our channel promises to be your steadfast guide. Addressing the Unique Financial Challenges of Today's Youth It's undeniable that young adults today face a financial landscape unlike any other previous ...

The Recession: Has It Been CANCELED? (Prepare to be SHOCKED)

✅ Subscribe to Market Briefs for FREE and get daily investor updates: ✅ Check out my products: 1. Market Briefs - Get my free financial newsletter for investors: 2. Business Briefs - Get my free business newsletter for entrepreneurs: 3. Market Insiders - Download Our FREE Guide To Generating Passive Income: 4. BuzzLegal - Have a business idea? Let our network of attorneys protect it: Recommended: The Fed Is Officially PIVOTING: What Is The Minority Mindset? "The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look. It's the mindset of thinking differently than the majority of people" ~Jaspreet Singh AKA The Minority Mindset #MinorityMindset #JaspreetSingh My recommended tools! Please note: Although these are our sponsors & advertisers, these are companies that I trust and use (or have used). The compensation doesn't affect my recommendations or advice. However, you should always do your own research & never blindly listen to a ...

Uncovering the Absence of Recession: Where Has It Gone?

✅ Download my FREE Ebook here: ✅ Check out my products: 1. Market Briefs - Get my free financial newsletter for investors: 2. Academy Briefs - Get my free eBook on Building Wealth As An Investor: 3. Business Accounting - Does your business do over $250k/year? If yes, get a free consultation on how to lower your tax liability: 4. BuzzLegal - Have a business idea? Let our network of attorneys protect it: Recommended: How To Attract Infinite Wealth (Not The Law Of Attraction): What Is The Minority Mindset? "The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look. It's the mindset of thinking differently than the majority of people" ~Jaspreet Singh AKA The Minority Mindset #MinorityMindset #JaspreetSingh My recommended tools! Please note: Although these are our sponsors & advertisers, these are companies that I trust and use (or have used). The compensation doesn't affect my recommendations or advice. However, you should always do you...

Alleviating the Tax Burden of Inherited IRAs

So, you're looking to minimize taxes? On the Get Ready For The Future Show, we're answering YOUR questions! Like this one from Jerry in Sherwood: "Is there any way to reduce the burden of taxes for inherited IRAs; except converting to a Roth. I've just about decided to start reducing it yearly and paying the taxes myself, but I was wondering if there was anything else I could do. I would like to know what kind of an immediate annuity that you have, since that would be one way. I know I could not pass anything to the heirs that way, but it is one option I am interested in?" The bad news is that there really isn't much you can do to avoid taxes on inherited IRAs, especially due to the SECURE Act of 2020. However, there are some helpful strategies to manage them as best as possible, AND you can work to avoid passing the tax stresses on to your loved ones. - ❓ Have your own questions? Call or text us at 501.381.5228 or email show@getreadyforthefutur...

Courtney Luke of Arrest Your Debt: A Guide to Purchasing Real Estate Using a Self-Directed IRA

Courtney Luke teaches you how to buy real estate with a self-directed IRA Episode 2412: How To Buy Real Estate With A Self-Directed IRA by Courtney Luke of Arrest Your Debt Arrest Your Debt is a wide-ranging personal finance website, yet focuses on helping first responders and people struggling with debt. The owners, Courtney and Ryan Luke have made it their mission to help people get out of debt and start building wealth on any income. There are three main areas of focus for Arrest Your Debt: 1. To provide trustworthy personal finance information to first responders. 2. To help first responders take control of their money and get out of debt. And 3. To provide valuable resources and references to first responders to help them grow their nest eggs and enjoy the retirement they deserve. Since 2009 when they started their journey toward financial literacy, they’ve been featured on MarketWatch, Forbes, Fox Business, Experian, MSN, Ladders, and USA Today The original post is...

Ways to Earn Money Amidst Widespread Panic

Market Briefs - Get my free financial newsletter for investors: ✅ Check out my products: 1. Market Briefs - Get my free financial newsletter for investors: 2. Business Briefs - Get my free business newsletter for entrepreneurs: 3. Market Insiders - Download Our FREE Guide To Generating Passive Income: 4. BuzzLegal - Have a business idea? Let our network of attorneys protect it: Recommended: SECRETS of the RICH - Level Up Your Financial Education: What Is The Minority Mindset? "The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look. It's the mindset of thinking differently than the majority of people" ~Jaspreet Singh AKA The Minority Mindset #MinorityMindset #JaspreetSingh My recommended tools! Please note: Although these are our sponsors & advertisers, these are companies that I trust and use (or have used). The compensation doesn't affect my recommendations or advice. However, you should always do your own research & never bl...

Achieve 401k Millionaire Status with This Step-By-Step Guide | Take Action Today! | Jaspreet Singh

Market Briefs - Get my free financial newsletter for investors: ✅ Check out my products: 1. Market Briefs - Get my free financial newsletter for investors: 2. Business Briefs - Get my free business newsletter for entrepreneurs: 3. Market Insiders - Download Our FREE Guide To Generating Passive Income: 4. BuzzLegal - Have a business idea? Let our network of attorneys protect it: Recommended: SECRETS of the RICH - Level Up Your Financial Education: What Is The Minority Mindset? "The Minority Mindset has nothing to do with the way you look. It's the mindset of thinking differently than the majority of people" ~Jaspreet Singh AKA The Minority Mindset #MinorityMindset #JaspreetSingh My recommended tools! Please note: Although these are our sponsors & advertisers, these are companies that I trust and use (or have used). The compensation doesn't affect my recommendations or advice. However, you should always do your own research & never bl...

NerdWallet's Guide: Clever Strategies for Saving on Disney Trips and Building Retirement Funds as a Self-Employed Individidual

Welcome to NerdWallet’s Smart Money podcast, where we answer your real-world money questions. In this episode: Learn Nerdy tips to plan a Disney vacation without going broke, and how to choose a retirement plan when self-employed. Suggested Articles: 9 Free or Cheap Things to Do at Disney World Outside the Theme Parks: What Is a SIMPLE IRA Plan? How It Works, Rules & FAQs: Mega Backdoor Roths: How They Work: Chapters: 01:08 - This Week in Your Money 13:00 - Today’s Money Question 29:04 - Takeaway Tips #NerdWallet #SmartMoneyPodcast #DisneyTravelDay Subscribe to NerdWallet - About Smart Money Podcast: Get smart about your personal finances—with help from the Nerds. From answering your real-world money questions to breaking down the latest personal finance news, NerdWallet’s in-house Nerds will give you the clarity you need to make smart decisions with confidence, avoid throwing money away on common pitfalls and penalties, and ensure your money is always working a...

Episode 7 of Financial Literacy with Scott Bigley

Get in touch with Scott for a free consultation, after watching this episode. Just let him know you saw his Podcast interview on @CampusSchool ---- As a nationally recognized speaker and trainer in the business planning and high net worth client market segment, Scott brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. He currently owns and supervises the Forever Forward Financial Group. Scott is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University, is a member in good standing of the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC), the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA), and the Florida Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (FAIFA). He further holds several designations/licenses and registrations including Registered Representative, Registered Supervisor, and Certified Financial Educator. ---- Scott Bigley on LinkedIn : Scott Bigley Website : ---- Key topics discussed: financial literacy, Legacy and Estates Planning, Risk manag...

The Selection Process: How Investors Choose Stocks - Insights from Richard Coffin

Explore the strategies investors use to choose stocks and learn whether it’s better to be an active or passive investor. -- Every day, billions of stocks are traded on the New York Stock Exchange alone. But with over 43,000 companies listed on stock exchanges around the world, how do investors decide which stocks to buy? And what do individuals and institutions achieve by investing in stocks? Richard Coffin explores the tactics of different investing strategies. Lesson by Richard Coffin, directed by Franz Palomares. Support Our Non-Profit Mission ---------------------------------------------- Support us on Patreon: Check out our merch: ---------------------------------------------- Connect With Us ---------------------------------------------- Sign up for our newsletter: Follow us on Facebook: Find us on Twitter: Peep us on Instagram: ---------------------------------------------- Keep Learning ---------------------------------------------- View full lesson: Dig...