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Showing posts with the label financialmindset

The Paradox of Saving Money: How It May Lead to Financial Hardship

In this video, I'm going to talk about why saving money is actually making you poor and what to do instead. I'll explain how when you save your money, you're actually losing money due to inflation and opportunity cost. Saving money is a good thing, but if you're not careful, saving money can actually lead to poverty. In this video, I'm going to show you how saving money can actually put you in a poor financial situation. I hope that this video will help you to rethink how you're spending your money and help you to live a more financially secure lifestyle! 📈 Webull ► ⚡💰Buy & Sell Stocks, Pay $0 in Commissions! ✔️Get up to 12 FREE Fractional Shares Valued Up to $30,600 🔐 Ledger Wallets ► Protect Your Crypto & Get Off Exchanges!! ⚡💰 Nano S Plus, Nano X, and Stax: From $79!! ✔️ Completely Own & Control Your Crypto! 💵 iTrustCapital ► ⚡💰Open a Free Roth o...