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Showing posts with the label financialplanningfor30s

Taxation of Beneficiary IRA during Retirement

How Is Beneficiary IRA Taxed? #shorts #retirement #taxes Buy Our Book: Click Here For More retirement planning Videos: Full Video Here: How Do Inherited IRA's work? || When Must Inherited Ira Distributions Start? In this video, I want to talk about how inherited IRA's work for non-spouse beneficiaries. If you are someone who has an inherited IRA from someone who is not your spouse, you have 10 years to distribute the entire IRA account and pay the taxes. This new rule went into place after the SECURE ACT was signed late in 2019. Now, if you had an inherited IRA BEFORE Jan 1 2020, the old rules for distributing your inherited IRA are still in effect. Let me give you the old Inherited IRA rules first, and then we will discuss the new inherited IRA rules and when must inherited ira distribution rules start. Old Inherited IRA Distribution Rules (Pre Jan 1, 2020): 1. 5 Year Rule-You can take 5 equal distributions from your inherited IRA over 5 years 2. Stretch Opt...