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Showing posts with the label genwealth

Alleviating the Tax Burden of Inherited IRAs

So, you're looking to minimize taxes? On the Get Ready For The Future Show, we're answering YOUR questions! Like this one from Jerry in Sherwood: "Is there any way to reduce the burden of taxes for inherited IRAs; except converting to a Roth. I've just about decided to start reducing it yearly and paying the taxes myself, but I was wondering if there was anything else I could do. I would like to know what kind of an immediate annuity that you have, since that would be one way. I know I could not pass anything to the heirs that way, but it is one option I am interested in?" The bad news is that there really isn't much you can do to avoid taxes on inherited IRAs, especially due to the SECURE Act of 2020. However, there are some helpful strategies to manage them as best as possible, AND you can work to avoid passing the tax stresses on to your loved ones. - ❓ Have your own questions? Call or text us at 501.381.5228 or email show@getreadyforthefutur...

Secure Act 2.0 | #SecureAct #Retirement

With the beginning of a new year, comes new #legislation that once again changes the rules of your #retirement. #secureact #genwealth #genwealthfinancial #scottinman #fastestfourminutesinfinance #finance #marketcommentary #marketupdate #financialadvisor #financialadvisors #financialeducation #financialliteracy #financialfreedom ************ Want more content like this (plus bonus content you won't get anywhere else) delivered straight to your inbox? 📥 Visit! FINANCIALLY SMARTER FOUR MINUTES AT A TIME financial insights and updates delivered to your inbox weekly WHAT TO EXPECT: One four-minute video with relevant financial information. Three things you should know from the past week in finance. Two informative or inspirational quotes. One question to ask yourself to make sure you are staying on track with your personal finances. WHAT NOT TO EXPECT: Overly "sales-y" material More emails than you signed up for (we hate spam too) Unic...