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Standup Comedy: Gid Pool's Retirement Hustle - Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast ep #219

Gid Pool took a standup comedy class 13 years ago at age 61 on a lark. He shares the story of his retirement hustle, traveling the US and 50+ countries as a standup comic, inspirational speaker, and the author of Act II and Beyond: Making the Rest of Your Life Spectacular. Plus, Joe and Big Al follow-up on ERISA protection for SEP IRAs, they discuss the Qualified Business Income Deduction for owners of rental real estate, and they offer financial tips and investing ideas for high school grads and college students. Transcript & show notes: Subscribe to the podcast & share: 00:51 - Standup Comedy is Gid Pool's Retirement Hustle 18:53 - Follow-up: ERISA Protection for a SEP IRA 24:48 - Can Rental Real Estate Owners Use the Qualified Business Income Deduction? 35:06 - 8 Financial Tips For High School Graduates 41:12 - Where Should a College Student Begin Investing? If you would like to schedule a free assessment with one of our CFP® professionals, click here...