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Showing posts with the label gilts

Reasons Why I Purchased Inflation-Linked Bonds

The UK economy is in a state of low growth and high inflation, in other words stagflation. This is why I decided to buy an inflation linked bond. So in this video, I’ll share my experience of how and why I did that and what I hope the reward will be. To find out more about becoming a Premium member, so that you can access the trackers I show you in this video and many other benefits, use this link What Else PensionCraft Offers: 💡 Book a coaching session with Ramin so he can answer your questions in a one-to-one video call via Zoom: 📰 Sign up for our free weekly market roundup to get news and views about what's going on in the stock market and wider economy 📖 Understand investment in more depth with my online courses ❓ Join PensionCraft on YouTube and you’ll be supporting me to make more content and I will answer your questions and respond to your comments on YouTube as a priority Timestamps 00:00 Introduction 0...