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Showing posts with the label goldetfvsgoldmutualfund

The Ultimate Guide to Buying GOLD: Sovereign Gold Bonds for 33% Higher Returns by Rahul Jain

The BEST way to buy gold for investment purpose is by buying sovereign gold bonds (SGB) the RIGHT way In this video, I explain why the best way to buy gold is sovereign gold bonds (SGB) from secondary market and how it can give you 33% more returns than the physical gold. I have used excel calculations to compare gold returns across sovereign gold bonds (SGB) from secondary market and Physical gold. The BEST way to buy gold | how to buy sovereign gold bonds | 33% more returns I am also available on: 🚀💥Email: 🚀💥 Insta: 🚀💥 LinkedIn: 🚀💥 Twitter: Please find the SGB calculator here. Please download a copy and make changes in your local copy. Hello, At 14 🧒, I founded my first business and sold thousands of comics. Ran it for 3 years. 2004, I felt proud of getting a gold medal for my B.Tech from NIT Jaipur in Metallurgy. 💪 ...