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Showing posts with the label governmentrich

Anti-Inflation: 6 Inflation Protection Strategies

Anti-Inflation: 6 Inflation Protection Strategies. In this video, we uncover six ways to protect yourself during an inflation. You'll learn about inflation investing strategies that will help you survive during an inflation. Inflation is a word that often sends waves of fear through the body of the person who hears it, and for good reason. No one likes when prices climb up to horrid numbers. The cost of living is going up, but pay isn’t. How can you afford to live if the prices keep climbing? What happens to your wealth when the cost of toothpaste has gone from three dollars to seven? Well, if you invested your money in ways that inflation can’t touch, then there is a chance that your wealth could not only be safe, but that it wouldn’t be affected at all. The idea of that is a little out there, and may seem impossible, but that’s why we’re here today. We’re going to talk about 6 ways to protect yourself from inflation. And these aren’t just ways to get you rich - they’re...